Monday, November 29, 2004
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Monday, November 22, 2004
boxes, bubbles, and roller-coasters

this two-canvas painting symbolizes my journey. the circle and the diagonal stream represent life. the squares and the circles on the darker area represent the structures and dreams i've had. the structures can be houses, buildings, companies, organizations, and institutions i got involved with. the dreams are the aspirations i've had--some were successful, some were failures. they are like boxes and bubbles. they come and go. but life goes on. the multiple archs under the circle and the stream represent my roller-coaster-like emotions. some are on their way up, some are on top, some are accelerating down at high speed. in the midst of all these emotions happening simultaneously, life goes on. life necessarily includes boxes, bubbles, and roller-coasters. but life goes beyond boxes, bubbles, and roller-coasters.
i painted this in the summer of 1999 as my millennium piece and it hangs in our kitchen, richmond, british columbia.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
revisiting my old painting

we're about to go for a formal dinner. while waiting for my mother and other folks, i had this picture taken with one of my oil paintings. i did this piece in 1992 and left it hanging in our old farmhouse in richmond, british columbia. i entitled it mitosis--living things must go through this process of separation and multiplication in order to grow.
Friday, November 19, 2004
celebrating life with my mother

having a birthday celebration--my beautiful mother and me shares our happiness together. i love her soooo much! she is the most positive woman i've ever known. she intentionally sees her cup as half full instead of seeing it as half empty. her health--in body and spirit--is a result of a faithful application of her favorite proverb: "laughter is the best medicine." while my late father was the one who built a healthy sense of confidence in myself (treating me always as if i have the power to change the world around me), it is my mother who served as a balancing conscience everytime i succumb to an unhealthy kind of pride. her words of wisdom is an ever-present reminder: "my son, all truly great persons are genuinely humble individuals."
Thursday, November 18, 2004
falling maple leaves

these red maple leaves are about to fall. afterwards, these trees will look as if they're dead. through the winter, they will be exposed to cold and seemingly-lifeless and leafless time. there are periods in my life when it feels like autumn--everything seems to fall apart into seeming lifelessness. then it gets worse. winter comes--freezing cold, seemingly unproductive period in nature's lifecycle. during the winter seasons of my life, i must not lose hope and i must remember that spring is coming!
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
a unique experience of bonding with a bird

this mountain bird seems to be so friendly. there's no fear in his or her eyes. my taichi master once told me that when we are so relaxed and no toxic smell emanates from our body, we can project our feelings to animals and they'd feel our honest intentions. well, i took my master's words. i placed a small piece of bread on my hand and projected my feelings to the bird: "here's my offering to you, friend. i am your friend. i will not harm you." did it work? click here.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Monday, November 15, 2004
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Saturday, November 13, 2004
spiral driveway, spiral learning

i like the shape of this spiral structure in west broadway avenue in downtown vancouver. this reminds me of my preferred learning process. my learning experience is kind of spiral--i may go through a seeming circular process, but in reality, there's upward progress. a spiral learning process is better than the conventionally measured linear learning process.
Friday, November 12, 2004
jet-speeding through the darkness

everytime i fly across the ocean, i always take a picture of the sky from the plane's window. it's a good assurance that beyond the clouds, the sun is always bright. it also reminds me that when the darkness of the night seems too dark, i must keep moving forward; the faster i move forward, the shorter the night.